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It has been several months since I have been in touch with you. It has been a busy and fruitful few months. We sold our house in Garner, NC in a day and moved to a new house in Franklinton, NC within 30 days. I packed a house up and then unpacked it. I also took a tumble down a flight of 15 steps in the new house. Thankfully, I didn’t fracture anything, but I did get pretty bruised up. I have finally started creating again. We have plans to finish out a very large, walk in attic to be my future studio by 2025 or so. A lot to do, but we will get it done.
The Artisanal Expressions Show starts tomorrow, August 16th from 12pm to 10pm EST. The 10 pieces I created are in the photo above. I put my heart and soul into them and would love for your support over on Facebook. Even if you just come over and leave a few kind remarks, I would be grateful!
Please join me HERE ( Friday, August 16th at 12 PM EST until 10 PM EST (10 hours only). There are also a wonderful group of other artists joining me Friday and Saturday. You will love their creations! Please check out the Art Healing Hearts Auctions group HERE (
Here is a quote I love…
“Be someone’s strength. Be someone’s inspiration. Be someone’s reason to never give up.” Have a beautiful weekend! I am always super grateful for your support.
Sandra Lett
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